New Geotab Harnesses and Harness Kits
New Geotab Harnesses for New Truck Connections
GO9 telematic devices installed on the newest harnesses from Geotab are capable of much more than you may expect. New harnesses were previously introduced to capture more data on the newer Volvo, Mack, and Hino trucks. The harness offering continues to expand to address more assets and more applications.
Volvo and Mack Fuse Panel Installs
For quite a few years most telematic devices were connected to the diagnostic ports. Connecting to a fuse panel can be a bit daunting the first time. It is confusing at first glance, but actually is a straightforward installation process with connections in easy reach, but still out of sight. Ultimately, with computer networks becoming more sophisticated on trucks such as Volvo and Mack, connecting telematics technology to the fuse panel reduces potential error codes or other issues.