Move Over Laws

Move Over Laws in all 50 States

According to the USDOT blog, all 50 states have now enacted move over laws. There are some significant differences between states, but the basic premise requires changing lanes or slowing down when approaching vehicles stopped on the roadside. has reported that two emergency responders per day, on average, are struck by passing vehicles. Move over laws were enacted to provide a cushion of safety for law enforcement officers, workers, and others that may be stopped on a busy road or highway. The earliest versions of these laws were often vague and unenforceable. More recent efforts between cooperating agencies have provided model language that is clearer and is being adopted more broadly.

Roadside Accident w-Emergency Responders

Primary Differences

The move over laws across the 50 states have much more in common than not. The primary differences are the definitions each state has for an emergency scene. In many states they apply only to emergency vehicles. In other states they apply to emergency vehicles and towing vehicles. Alaska includes animal control vehicles in their definition and South Carolina has the broadest definition. Their text includes a location designated by the potential need to provide emergency medical care and is identified by emergency vehicles with flashing lights, rescue equipment, or emergency personnel on the scene.

Based on the South Carolina definition, one can infer that if a common citizen stops to assist another vehicle pulled off the road, there could be potential need for emergency medical care making even that a qualifying emergency scene that the law would apply to.

What Move Over Laws Have in Common

All of the move over laws place responsibility on the driver of a motor vehicle to take specific action when approaching an emergency scene. The driver must change lanes if the adjacent lane is available and the maneuver can be performed safely. Drivers must also slow down and control their vehicle to avoid collision. The image below from Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles website tells Florida drivers exactly what they need to know.

FLHSMV Move Over Law

I recall, many years ago, being at the side of the road on Highway 17 in the Santa Cruz Mountains. I was driving a friend’s pickup truck when the engine seized because the oil was too low. Stuck on a curve with 2 lanes of traffic moving fast in both directions, and a concrete barrier between, I was alone and unprepared. There was very little room at the roadside and no way to move the truck further off the road. I waited in the truck hoping someone would stop to help. It was unnerving that drivers did not slow down, and absolutely frightening when one drove by so close he clipped off the side view mirror and sent it tumbling down the hill.

Common sense and human decency dictate if someone, if anyone is in distress at the side of the road, whether that distress is a heart attack or a flat tire, give them and anyone who is assisting them plenty of room. Move over laws ensure a higher level of protection for public servants and a consequence for violators. Bottom line, they encourage us all to do what we know is the right thing.

Driver Training

Play this short video to remind your drivers and employees of the Move Over Law.

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Some Statistics Regarding Roadside Inspections

Understanding Roadside Inspections

Most drivers dread having to deal with a roadside inspection. That dread is well founded when you consider that the drivers career is on the line every time he faces off with a DOT inspector who is just doing his or her job. Being able to anticipate what inspectors are focusing on can be a great help.

We recently found a web page that contains interactive tools that can really give the driver an edge. It contains statistics regarding roadside inspections that are searchable by state, violation type, vehicle weight, fleet size and much more. For instance, if you are going to be driving in Arkansas, you can do some quick research to see how many inspections are being conducted and what kind of violations are being cited.

FYI, Arkansas was picked totally at random, we are not picking on them.

Roadside Inspection Activity

The chart below shows that in 2020 in Arkansas there were very few Federal Inspections, but State enforcement officials were very active. About 25% of inspections are full inspections, so best to make sure my logs and inspection records, as well as my vehicle, are in tip top shape.

It also looks like the Federal inspectors were a little more stringent with drivers than local enforcement, but local enforcement was much more stringent regading vehicle infractions.

Roadside Inspection Activity AR

Driver Violations

Looking at the top 3 driver violations cited, it would seem that most violators were pulled over for a relatively minor speeding infraction of 6-10 mph over the speed limit. Common sense tells us that obeying the speed limit while driving in Arkansas is its own reward.

Driver Violations AR

Vehicle Violations

Now that you have been pulled over for driving 7 mph over the posted speed, you can bet the inspector is going to check all of your lights and not miss a thing. Inoperative turn signals and lights will have you taken out of service in Arkansas.

Vehicle Violations in AR

Monthly Trends in Roadside Inspections

Understanding the roadside inspection trends by month can also be very interesting. From the chart below we speculate that after the initial COVID 19 shutdowns either enforcement was staying home or drivers were. It would be interesting to dig deeper to see if this is actually a seasonal trend based on some other factor.

Roadside Inspections by month in AR

Information is Power

Understanding the trends based on the factors discussed is certainly interesting and give drivers an edge, BUT nothing takes the place of constant vigilance when it comes to vehicle and driver safety. Our goal is for every driver to arrive home safely after every trip. No exceptions!

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Tell Us Your Story!

We Hear a Lot of Great Success Stories

Fleetistics is sponsoring a contest for a chance to win an Amazon gift card when you tell us your story. We hear lots of great stories from our customers, all kinds of stories actually. Things like amazingly quick recovery of a stolen vehicle, litigation avoided after a collision based on telematics data, and one customer reported discovering that his clients with the prettiest receptionists always received much longer stops than others.

Tell Us Your Story

With that in mind, tell us your story!

We want to hear your GPS tracking success story. Your experience could be exactly what someone else needs to know, so tell us your story for a chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card. Even better, have your story featured on Fleetistics’ Blog with a link back to your business. Only Fleetistics’ customers are eligible to win.

Amazon Gift Card

Put those writing skills to work and tell us your story today. Email it to Deadline for submissions is January 29, 2021. We will select a winner from the submissions we receive to tell your story in an upcoming blog post. Your name, logo, and a link to your website (with your approval) will be posted as well. We look forward to hearing about your success with telematics and sharing your story with others. So send us your story today!

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Phones Down, Eyes Up Benefit Concert

The Phones Down Eyes Up Campaign

Phones Down, Eyes Up was initiated in honor of Brandon Walli. Sadly, Brandon lost his life at the age of 23 while crossing the road in 2016. It was thought that he had been texting and walking at the time. Brandon’s father, Tom Walli, and Geotab are hosting this free concert and informational event to shed light on managing device distraction in everyday life.

Phones Down Eyes Up Virtual Concert

It’s a Global Event

At this year’s Phones Down Eyes Up Benefit Concert, Geotab is switching things up by going virtual. Viewers from around the world will join together for a fun-filled evening with musical performances made by Geotab’s employees. The virtual concert will help to continue Geotab’s efforts to raise awareness surrounding the dangers of distracted driving and the responsibility we all have in helping to reduce traffic and pedestrian-related accidents.

Join viewers from around the world and enjoy live music while supporting a great cause!. The virtual concert will continue the company’s efforts to raise awareness surrounding the dangers of distracted driving and the responsibility we all have in helping to reduce traffic and pedestrian-related accidents.

For every person that watches the virtual benefit concert, Geotab will donate $5 to Brake, a registered charity with various global initiatives that strive to promote road safety, sustainable transport, and supporting victims of road crashes.

We hope to “see” you at the Phones Down Eyes Up global virtual concert!

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What are you thankful for?

Being Thankful in 2020

What are you thankful for? Thanksgiving is traditionally a time to reflect on all of the things we have to be thankful for. Considering the challenges we have all faced in 2020, we think it appropriate to pause this week and share some of the things we acknowledge our gratitude for.

What are you thankful for?

As an organization, we are grateful that…

  • The great majority of our clients are surviving the impact of this unprecedented pandemic.
  • We were able to help many of our clients who were impacted, and that many of our suppliers stepped up to help us help them.
  • The people in our community have heeded the guidelines to minimize the risk. We have had no reports of employees having had the virus.
  • That we are able to help our customers improve safety & save lives.
  • Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant are readily available.

We asked our staff what they are thankful for and received the following responses.

I am thankful for the long partnerships with have with our customers.
Eron Iler

President, Fleetistics

No matter how big or small, I am grateful for them all… our customers! I am also very grateful for our amazing staff who work so hard to provide excellent customer service.
Amy Anderson Iler

VP of Finance, Fleetistics

My health, the health of my family, friends, co-workers and customers.
Amy Naylor

Director of Customer Relations, Fleetistics

Clients that continued to do business as usual in spite of COVID 19.
Brandon Santiago

Sales Manager, Fleetistics

I am thankful for my children.
Sergio Pardo

Sr. Solutions Technician, Fleetistics

To work with such a great group of people that care about so much more than just themselves.
Lynn Rios

Solutions & Communications Specialist, Fleetistics

For working with a staff that truly cares about customers.
Darryl Arnold

Director of Product Development, Fleetistics

For being in good health.
Christine Reisig

Shipping Administrator, Fleetistics

That my home family and work family have been safe, and there for one another throughout this turmoil that has been 2020.
Kim Thoman

Business Analyst

For God, my kid, and technology allowing for remote work.
Josh Holcombe


For having a job through COVID with flexibility for personal time off.
Richard Snell & Jesse Smith


So what are you thankful for?

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Vehicle & Asset Telematics

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Electronic Forms

Fleet Management Platform
Mobile Viewing

Mobile Phone GPS Tracking App

Route4Me Optimization